Saturday, January 28, 2012

Raise Us Up a Standard

I had that scripture taught to me this week. Life being as it is, there are things thrown at us that will cause us to get off track. It may seem that the bad rushes in like rising waters; however, its good to know that our father raise us up--I experienced the rising on Thursday and Friday.  when trouble was rushing in, my elevation was on the wings of laughter. Oh boy did I get a laugh at myself. God provided a laughter that carried me a standard above the troubles. Praise be to God.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Shinning lights

In Matthew 5:16 Jesus tells us to let our light shine before men----. I thought of the song that we sometime sing and teach our children to sing---This little light of mine I'm gonna let it shine. The deletion or even the addition of words to what has been written lessens the value of what we are to be professing.

Monday, August 29, 2011

All time God

Being back to work cheapens me out of my front porch time. I miss my early morning times watching the animals and listening to the birds. I am so thankful that our God is omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent. I don't have to have the front porch or the early mornings to talk to him and to listen for what he has to say to me. His promise that he would never leave me is most assuring.  He's there at all times.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Heavy Flesh vs Light Spirit

Peter being in the Spirit could walk on the water as Jesus did; when Peter look at the conditions of the water and started thinking in the flesh, he began to sink. The Spirit does not weight you down like the flesh.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Cling Unto Him

Yesterday, Sunset Carolina (one of my cats), was very eager to spend time with me. She is around six years of age and as a small kitten was abandoned on our property. I held her upon my lap for three-to-four days as she regained her strength. As a baby she was taken from her mother prior to being taught any manners. This is why when she snuggles she digs her claws into me, all the whild wildly purring. As I watched her, it occured to me she was clinging to me just like I am to cling to God. She desired affection from me, comfort and love~ isn't this what we all desire, especially from our Heavenly Father? Are we clinging to God, digging in our nails desperately desiring time with Him? Did He not take nail willingly into His feet and wrists willingly? Let us learn from Sunset Carolina the lesson of clinging~Love God with all our might, digging into and unto Him for affection, direction, comfort and love!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

He Prepares

My Shepherd prepares for me. He goes ahead of my steps and walk where I will have to walk and prepares the way for me. This dose not mean that everything will be to my liking, but it does mean that everything will be for my good.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Seek & Find

I had begun to wonder why it seemed that God wasn't having a lot to say in the mornings during my quiet time with him. Well this morning even before I sat to begin my prayer and mediation, I heard the word expectation. So quickly I had gotten in a rut. I had others in the house in the mornings so I rushed through my quiet time to start crossing out a list of the to do-s. I was in the quiet time but the time did not have my undivided attention. Then the Spirit led me to Jeremiah 29: 13. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. I am reminded of our God being a jealous God, and guess what that's okay with me.